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Written by William Goldman, based on the novel by Stephen King
Directed by Damon Horak

Auditions: September 23

Performances: November 8, 9, 14, 15 & 16  at 7:30 p.m.

November 10 & 17 at 2:00 p.m.


Theatre of Dare

3848 N. Croatan Highway, Kitty Hawk

Individual show tickets go on sale October 18

Misery follows successful romance novelist Paul Sheldon, who is rescued from a car crash by his “number one fan,” Annie Wilkes, and wakes up captive in her secluded home. While Paul is convalescing, Annie reads his latest book and becomes enraged when she discovers the author has killed off her favorite character, Misery Chastain. Annie forces Paul to write a new Misery novel, and he quickly realizes Annie has no intention of letting him go anywhere. The irate Annie has Paul writing as if his life depends on it, and it does.




Auditions will be held at Theatre of Dare September 23 at 7pm. Please be prepared to perform the provided sides at auditions. Memorization is not required, we would rather see what individuality you can bring to the characters! 




Annie Wilkes (Female, 30-55)

Annie is unlike anyone you’ve ever met. Her presence is both comforting and intimidating. She is direct and analytical. As a star vehicle in this show Annie must be able to engage the audience at all times with full body interpretation of the role. Annies energy sets the tone for every scene making it important to change emotions on a dime and in an expressive way. Annie must be able to prove that she is mentally unstable and only provoked by certain triggers, she is not hurting anyone for reasons she cannot justify.  Performance should be electric.


Paul Sheldon (Male, 30-60)

Paul Sheldon is an established author and public figure. Paul should emulate the successful everyday man, respectable and perhaps slightly arrogant. Audiences should slowly see the progression of Paul thinking on his feet, and we should be rooting for him. Facial expressions and ability to embody being physically harmed is a necessity. Though immobile nearly the entire show he must still be able to engage the audience through his pain and desperation.


Buster (Male, 30-70)

Buster, the Sheriff of the closest town, should be the most relatable character, at least to a sane audience. Buster is not overly suspicious of foul play and therefore falls right into Annie’s game. He should be professional yet friendly. Buster will be an interactive character in this production.


All 3 characters participate in fight/ stunt choreography at some point in the show including falling to the ground and facial exposure to fake blood. Paul and Annie should be prepared to be on stage nearly the entire show and complete multiple quick changes. If you have any questions please reach out to

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